Friday, April 12, 2013

Week of 4/15/2013

Featured Staff
Sean Bellevue
Hi, I’m Sean and I’m not only a freshman Biology major with hopes of going to medical school but I’m also a proud student employee at Career Services. People ask me all the time what I do as on office assistant at Career Services, and they are surprised when I tell them that it’s not just the standard answer phones and emails. As a freshman I’m already learning about searching for a job and learning useful skills that I can apply to my career after graduation. There are only a few places that I would be willing to work at and return as a customer, and this office happens to be one of those great places. I love to fully take advantage of the help and advice the advisors and staff have to offer, from resume and cover letter advice, to interview preparation, to getting in touch with big and small name employers throughout the year; not using this incredible resource would be a mistake on my part. I grew up in the Puget Sound area and apart from a short stay in Italy I’ve lived here my entire life and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I love the Seattle weather, I love being surrounded by green, and I love having the opportunity to be a student of Seattle University.

Featured Employer: Career Expo Highlights
On Wednesday, April 10th, Career Services, in partnership with the Albers Placement Center, hosted our annual Career Expo in the Campion Ballroom! Over 200 students attended the event where they got a chance to meet and discuss full-time and part-time job opportunities with 60 different employers.
Special recognition was given to our two employers of the year, the Peace Corps and Amazon, for their dedication to hiring SU students for full-time and internship opportunities, for the deep relationships they have built with the various schools and college across campus, and for the many ways in which their employees engage in meaningful ways with our students and staff.  Don’t fret if you missed the fair – it’s not too late to connect with the employers! Check out our Q&A section below for details.  
A special shout out goes out to Albers Placement Center, Alpha Kappa Psi, PRSSA, and other student groups on campus who helped put on this successful event! Thank you all!

Upcoming Events:

“I missed the Career Expo…Is it now too late to check out which employers were there and to connect with them?”
No, it’s not too late at all! All of the employers who attended Expo are still active in the Redhawk Network, and many of the job opportunities are listed there as well. Be sure to search for Event ID# 813 on RHN or take a look at our webpage here for the full listings. Don’t forget to stop by our office for Express Advising or make an appointment with an advisor if you still would like advice or help on your resumes and cover letters!

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